Saturday, July 15, 2006

Colorado Cowboys of Color.

(Left) The children in this riding group were just too cute, and poised. Everyone's horses were beautiful ... and so where some of the guys. If Emma had been here, she'd a definitely agreed on the hubba hubba factor ... 'cept she would just said, "Major hottie." 'Cause, apparently that's what the kids are saying these days. :)

Street Soldierz.

(Left) Members of the Street Soldierz thrilled our little neighborhood by screaming by on their bikes, some poppin' wheelies. Who could get tired of wheelies? lol

The World Went Parading By ....

(Left) The Over the Hill Drill Team performs at the corner of 22nd Avenue and Humboldt Street

Was vegging on the couch a little while ago when I hear all these pounding, staccato sounds ... yeah, my first thought was, "Neighbors say there hasn't been a shootout in this neighborhood in years." Happy to say today didn't break the spell. What I heard was the Black Arts Festival Boogaloo Parade heading each on 22nd, meaning it went right past our corner. So, of course, I had to go and watch.

There were lots of drill teams, from as far away as Kansas and Nebraska, canvassers for Democratic causes -- I signed the petition supporting the Colorado Domestic Partnership Amendment because, as the placards and T-shirts say, "Commitment is commitment" -- and our Democratic governor candidate, Bill Ritter. (Am supporting him, of course, though people who know me might suspect I don't appreciate his stance on abortion. Oh, well. The alternative is ... a Republican governor and that will not do.) Oh, these guys were there, too. Very cool. Oh, and the parade ended with horses and riders, of course ... a group called the Colorado Cowboys of Colorado.

Very nice little treat. I wish the neighborhood had more stuff like this going on ... it was fun to see everyone come outside and watch. Across the street, the Cone Zone and the new eatery that just opened, Troy's Catfish & Wings, were doing brisk business.

Wish Emma had been here to see it, but she is off in the mountains on her first camping trip. Camp Coles departed this morning for Cherokee Park, up near the Colorado/Wyoming border. Bet it's a beautiful day up there ... and no where near as hot as it is now (97 at the moment).

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

3rd of July.

Emma and I spent Monday afternoon at ... the zoo. Big shock, I know. :) Here she is at the Samburu Grille, eating lunch.

She's in the bath now, getting cleaned up since we're going to meet my relatives from Austin for lunch at the 16th Street Mall. After that, we're spending our Fourth of July afternoon swimming at Pam's and Matt's condo in Superior. Looking forward to relaxing away the afternoon.

Not looking forward to returning to work tomorrow ... but who is, right?